Sunday, December 26, 2010

"That" Girl

Sunday, December 26, 2010
I was watching a marathon of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (shut up) the other night and I must have heard Camille Grammar say at least 10 times; "Women are always jealous of me and never like me!"  I thought....jealous of what?  The other women on this show are just as pretty and wealthy as you are, if not more.  What is it that you think you have that the others don't?  I can tell you that at least 2 of them have a much better personality and are definitely more sane than she is.  What would make her immediately assume that jealousy was the issue, rather than something else?  Wouldn't most normal people think "Gosh, if all women hate me, maybe I am doing something wrong?"

I've met women like this before.  We've all met her.  There you are, having what appears to be a normal conversation with a chick when she suddenly announces: "I don't really get along with women.  They're always jealous of me!"  Give her long enough and she'll tell you what a nice person she is and how she just can't understand it.  Well, Crazy Bitch Alert.......she's not a nice person.  She's an evil skank.  She'll steal your boyfriend.  She'll talk behind your back.  She'll ditch you when you have plans.  You should run away and never look back.  This is a woman who is totally incapable of believing that she's jacked up in the head.  She's totally incapable of understanding that her personality is that badIT'S GOT TO BE EVERYONE ELSE WHO HAS THE PROBLEM!

Women who "never get along with other women" concern me the most.  It's not natural.  Women are meant to get along.  It's always been that way.  Women seek each other out for the support and friendship that for the most part, men cannot fulfill (this works in the opposite direction as well).  Of course, I have lots of friends who are male and I am very close to but when I want to talk about girl stuff (pregnancy, guy issues, clothes, gossip), I'm going to my girlfriends.  That's just the way it is.

I have a pretty large group of girlfriends.  They're hilarious, smart, educated, have jobs, their own money and will knock your socks off in the looks department and yet, they all seem to get along with other females.  I never hear them say that other women are jealous of them or that they can't seem to make friends with other women.  Because they're NORMAL.

What's my point?  If these words have ever come out of your mouth, if you can single out an entire segment of the population and say "I cannot get along with these people as a whole", you're the crazy skank.  Plain and simple.



I agree about having girlfriends! We need our female friends:) Bless you for this!

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