Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Great Divide

Sunday, November 6, 2011
NOTE:  Contrary to how the first paragraph reads, this is not a post about the death penalty.

A post I made on Facebook tonight got me thinking about something.  It was basically about a man, about to be executed on Texas' death row and a dispute about whether or not some DNA evidence that was never tested, should be.  I argued that it should be, because you're dealing with a human life and taking someone's life is so final, all avenues should be exhausted to ensure you're doing the right thing.  About an hour ago, I got a private message from a good friend asking me when I'd turned into such a liberal.  She was joking, but it did get me thinking about how divided we are as a society when it comes to political beliefs.  For the record, I've always leaned towards the conservative side of things but in my old age, have turned towards Libertarianism.  What that translates into is:  I don't want to be involved in your life, and you shouldn't be involved in mine.

I make comments about Sarah Palin being a total moron and suddenly, I'm a tree-hugging hippie.  I can't stand Nancy Pelosi so I must be a right-winged bigot.  When did we turn into such a black and white society?  Can someone not have a dissenting opinion without being considered a traitor to the party they typically identify with? 

I can't help but blame TV stations like Fox News for this type of environment.  You pit one side against the other and they're usually shouting so loudly at each other, it's impossible to hear another's point of view much less, thoughtfully consider it.  I will literally kiss my own ass the day I see one of these jackass pundits stop dead in their tracks and say to the other side "Wow, you know you make a great point!  I'd never considered that!"  It will never happen. 

I don't know where I am going with this's just something that irks me.  Debates and arguments seem to be more and more a way of showing how loud you are and how many talking points you can memorize, and less of a way to obtain new information or learn about a different point of view.  I don't think that's good for anyone.


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